- (---?---), (---?---) to Bird, Sarah Elizabeth
- Bitner, Agnes to Cavanaugh, Kathryn
- Chadoin, Lewis Coleman to De Hart, Abigail
- de Mortimer, Edward to Fitz-Herbert, Sir John
- Fitzhugh, Ann Frances Tabb to Harris, Sampson W.
- Harrison, Albert to Johnson, Virginia Ruth
- Johnston, Anne Russell to Lovering, Willis
- Lovett, Mary Ann to McKee, Sophie Jenkins
- McKnight, Thelma Viola to Panitz, Johanne C.
- Pankey, Judith to Richardson, Thurman
- Rickitts, Glenn Thomas to Snodgrass, John Tabb
- Snodgrass, Joseph Evans to Tabb, Cecil Ward
- Tabb, Cecilia Elizabeth to Tabb, George
- Tabb, George to Tabb, John F. Ross
- Tabb, John Featherstone (Feb) to Tabb, Mary
- Tabb, Mary to Tabb, Sara Jane
- Tabb, Sarah to Talbott, Peyton Tabb
- Taliaferro, Hansford Edward to Walker, William Wilson
- Wall, Brady Yvonne to Wormley, Sarah T.
- Wormsley, Bonnie to Zuhrmulhen, Nellie